Book Review • May 2010
Transition Now
Redefining Duality–2012 and Beyond
Featuring: Lee Carroll & Kryon, Patricia Cori & The Sirian High Council, and Pepper Lewis & Gaia; Weiser Books; 2010; 248 pages; $18.95 (pbk); ISBN 978-1-57863-474-3;; 800-423-7087.
This is the second book in the series Toward 2012. Like its predecessor, The Great Shift, Transition Now brings us a wealth of channeled information to enlighten us about the changes in store for us earthlings as we move into the next cosmic age, changes which have already begun to change the landscape of our lives.
While Lee Carroll and Patricia Cori, representing Kryon and The Sirian High Council, respectively, were featured in The Great Shift as well, Pepper Lewis and Gaia are new to the series and offer a different perspective.
Transition Now focuses on the changes we are beginning to perceive and their effects on our world. Seen from a higher perspective, as Kryon points out, the moment when things seem to be falling apart is sometimes the moment when things are actually beginning to come together. The reason “it is getting harder to measure spirituality and growth,” he says, is that “we are starting to tap interdimensional energies in a 3-D world…. When entire governments begin to shift, you know something is up.”
I enjoyed Kryon’s message that as Americans we should celebrate the freedom our system of government allows us to express our discontent with our government and financial systems and clean them up. He points out that it is this freedom (however threatened we may consider it) that sets us up to lead the way, and that if we will stay the course the rest of the world will find the courage to follow in our footsteps (as Europe has followed our example in limiting the social affects of the tobacco industry).
I had to smile as I read the Sirian High Council’s message that we are to enjoy the journey and give up looking for a roadmap, for where then would we find the joy of existence? And I loved the warm fuzzy feeling of Gaia’s invitation to “reignite a passion, to rediscover the self, to begin recognizing the sacredness of each moment”; yes, things are out of balance in her Body, she says, but rather than point fingers it is incumbent upon us to sense the natural progression of ebb and flow and discover the hero within.
There is a great deal of wisdom embodied within these pages. Much of it you will recognize as Universal truth, but I suspect these channelings may also evolve your awareness of life as a grand experiment. Transition Now may give you some hints as to where to place your feet so as to maintain yourself upright…or at least enjoy the tumble should things work out differently than you might expect.